Trance Paradise 402

Originally aired on 1-10-19.

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Track List

1. Markus Hakala - Whispers From the Past (Will Canas Remix)

2. Lensa - Atlantis

3. Oliver Smith - Solina

4. Rio Lorenzo - ION

5. Waede Watts - Prime

6. Josh Bailey - Jaiya

7. Graham Bell - The Night King

8. High 5, Kaion - Timeless feat. Simone Nijssen (Tom Fall Remix)

9. Protoype, Jimmy Chou - Magic Crayons

10. Gerome - One With The Music

11. Ben Gold - I'm In A State Of Trance (ASOT 750 Antehm) (Tempo Giusto Remix)

12. Paul Denton - Supernova

13. Renegade System - Fer-De-Lance

14. Nhato, Kenji Sekiguchi - Refrain

15. Suncatcher, Exolight - I'm Always Happy When It's Raining

16. Madwave - Melodia

17. Manuel Rocca - Esperanza (Blue5even Remix)

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