Trance Paradise 443

Originally aired on 11-21-19 on Afterhours.FM.

Trance Paradise playlist on Spotify:

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Track List

1. Taylor Torrence - Ryu

2. Michael Fearon & Isabel Oliver - Lie To My Soul

3. Leo Lauretti & Paul Arcane - Lux

4. Eximinds, Aelyn - My Everything

5. Taygeto - Lies

6. Raz Nitzan, Naimee Coleman - Something More

7. Whiteout - Jomolungma

8. Stan Redspace - Atom

9. Davey Asprey - Dreamers

10. Richard Tanselli - Let Me Take You

11. Indecent Noise - Contact

12. Mark Sherry - Sangre Caliente (Scot Project Remix)

13. Triode, Jonn Connor - Expeditions (TFSF9 Anthem)

14. David Forbes - Monsoon

15. Kaimo K - GO!

16. Cold Blue - Ode To The Sun

Euphoric Nation